Odgovori za mikoplazmo, RSV in več – vse iz ene lične škatlice

Datum objave: 9. januarja, 2024

V svetu diagnostike je natančnost ključnega pomena, vendar je pomembna tudi preprostost. Hitra in enostavna delovna metoda vam lahko pomaga zagotoviti ključne rezultate ter podpreti pravočasno oskrbo pacientov. Zato QIAstat-Dx izstopa. Z njim ne dobite le neprimerljive natančnosti, ampak tudi avtomatizirano orodje, ki vam v približno eni uri zagotovi rezultate za 23* respiratornih tarč, vključno z Mycoplasma pneumoniae in RSV. Odkrijte, zakaj je QIAstat-Dx znan kot eden boljših panelnih testov za nalezljive bolezni na trgu. Poglobite se v naš interaktivni virtualni prikaz in si poglejte QIAstat-Dx v akciji.

Answers for Mycoplasma, RSV and more, all from one neat little box

In the world of diagnostics, precision is paramount. But so is simplicity. A quick and easy workflow can help you deliver crucial results fast, supporting timely patient care. That’s why QIAstat-Dx stands out.

With QIAstat-Dx, you don’t just get unparalleled accuracy. You get an automated powerhouse that gives you results for 23* respiratory targets in about an hour. So you can confidently say if a suspected respiratory infection is viral or bacterial.

  • 1 patient sample
  • 1 QIAstat-Dx cartridge
  • ~1 hour
  • Results for 23 respiratory targets, including Mycoplasma pneumoniae and RSV

Find out why QIAstat-Dx is known as one of the easiest panel tests for infectious diseases on the market. Dive into our interactive virtual demo to see the QIAstat-Dx in action.

Try the virtual demo


Modernize your diagnostics

Automated real-time PCR for accurate results


Easy-to-view Ct values

Additional clinical insights you only get with real-time PCR


Fast, comprehensive answers

Results in about an hour for 23 viral and bacterial targets


We’re proud of how easy the QIAstat-Dx system is to use. With fewer steps and less waste, QIAstat-Dx can help you save time and get better results.